German Angband user meeting?
I'll be at the LinuxTag 2000
in Stuttgart (Germany) on Saturday the 1st of July. This might be
a good meeting place if any other Angband fans are running around
there too. If anybody is interested then mail me
so that we can arrange a meeting. Another good meeting place
might be the "Oktoberfest" in Munich (16th September -
3rd October), so if anybody wants to talk about Angband and beer ...
23rd June 2000
MJband 0.0.6 Michael Barnes
released a new version of his variant MJband.
To find out what is new in this release, please take a look at the
list of changes.
Linux binaries J. Lang compiled
Linux binaries
of Prfnoff's Angband a2.9.0b and the unofficial
"bleeding edge" version of Angband 2.9.0.
14th June 2000
Prfnoff's ZAngbaA 2.3.5 for DOS and Windows
I've ported Prfnoff's ZAngbaA 2.3.5
variant to DOS and
14th June 2000
MJband 0.0.5a Michael Barnes
released an update of his variant MJband.
Please take a look at the list of changes
to find out what is new in this release.
Unofficial Angband a2.9.0b version Prfnoff released the source,
and Mac versions of an unofficial Angband version called
"Angband a2.9.0b".
It includes the dynamic e_info patch,
several bugfixes, new frontends for
X11, Amiga, and Mac and various other enhancements like better
Bablos already compiled
the Amiga version.
Angband 2.9.0 "Bleeding edge" for RISC OS Michael Barnes
compiled the RISC OS version
of the unofficial Angband 2.9.0 "Bleeding edge".
New variant "MJband"
And this is not the only thing
Michael Barnes
released. He also created his own variant
MJband that is based on Angband 2.8.5.
You can take a look at the list of changes
to find out what new features this variant adds.
Prfnoff's ZAngband variant - ZAngbaA 2.3.5 Prfnoff released a
new version of his variant ZAngbaA 2.3.5
as source code and Mac version.
Mac KAmband 1.8c Gob released the 68k and PPC Mac
versions of KAmband.
Angband OpenSource Initiative
I have started the Angband OpenSource Initiative
to make Angband available under the
GNU General Public License
as well as the traditional Angband license. Such a change would bring
many benefits for the Angband community like inclusion of Angband
on the various Linux distributions, the possibility to use services
such as SourceForge,
and greater legal security. So if you are an Angband developer
and want to support the Angband OpenSource Initiative
then join now.
Unofficial Angband a2.9.0 beta Prfnoff released the source
of an unofficial Angband version called
"Angband a2.9.0".
It includes the dynamic e_info patch,
several bugfixes, and various
enhancements like better configurability.