The Angband source code is freely available and many programmers
make changes to the source. Most patches and bugfixes must be used to the
source code and need to be compiled. A good knowledge of C doesn't hurt if
you want to use these patches, because some need a little finetuning.
How to submit patches
Angband patches should be mailed to me.
I'll then upload them to the 'Patch' folder on the
Angband FTP server.
Patches are generated with the 'diff' utility and later applied with 'patch'.
These tools are already installed on most Unix and Linux machines. For other
systems you'll have to search the internet to find a version that works on your
- Patches should be created in the "unified diff" format, as supplied by the
'-u' argument to diff.
- Describe the purpose of your patch.
- Separate each logical change into its own patch.
Patches for Angband 2.9.3
Edit+Help patch
For: Angband 2.9.3 - doesn't require recompiling!
Last Updated: 11th September 2001
Author: Jonathan Ellis
This patch replaces various files from Angband 2.9.3
and doesn't require recompiling of the game. It changes many monsters,
objects, ego items, artifacts, and vaults as well as adding some new sections
to the online help. For details please take a look at the
Patches for Angband 2.9.2
Vault Flipping patch
For: Angband 2.9.2
Last Updated: 26th April 2001
Author: Eytan Zweig
Changes dungeon generation so that vaults may be flipped on the x and y axises, allowing
greater variation in dungeon appearance.
Artifact Memory patch
For: Angband 2.9.2
Last Updated: 19th March 2001
Author: Eytan Zweig
Adds artifact memory. If you *identify* an artifact in one game, all subsequent games from
the same savefile will know the artifact's abilities (unless randarts are used). Note that,
while this patch does not break savefiles, wierd things may happen if a character is taken
back and forth between a version that supports this and one that does not.
Heavy Prompt patch
For: Angband 2.9.2
Last Updated: 19th March 2001
Author: Eytan Zweig
Adds an option for a prompt before picking up items heavy enough to slow the player.
Level Feelings patch
For: Angband 2.9.2
Last Updated: 19th March 2001
Author: Eytan Zweig
Changes the way the level feeling delay is calculated, so time in the town has no effect
on it. In other words, if you go down to the dungeon, spend some time in there, go back to
the town, and return to the dungeon, the appearance of the level feeling will depend on
the last level you were in in the dungeon, and not on the town.
Monster Pit Feelings patch
For: Angband 2.9.2
Last Updated: 19th March 2001
Author: Eytan Zweig
Changes the way level feelings are affected by pits to be dependant on the type of pit/nest
and the depth.
Monster Lite patch
For: Angband 2.9.2
Last Updated: 13th March 2001
Author: Dr. Andrew White
Homepage: Dr. Andrew White's home page
A patch on monster light. The monsters who have the HAS_LITE flag set
from r_info.txt will have a torch radius around them. Currently the
monsters who you would expect to have light, do. They include innately
lit monsters (light hounds, fire vortex, etc), and monsters who would
carry light (human monsters like mages, paladins, priests, etc). Most
towns people carry lite.
Patches for older 2.9.x versions
ShowMonsters patch
For: Angband 2.9.1
Last Updated: 13th September 2000
Author: Iain McFall
This patch uses a term-window to show all monsters currently in view.
Known OOD monsters and uniques are shown in different colours. It never
gives information that you couldn't get by 'l'ooking around.
Auto-squelching patch
For: Angband 2.9.1 , ZAngband 2.4.0, ZAngband 2.5.1, OAngband 0.4.1, GSNband 2.1.1
Last Updated: 13th September 2000
Author: David T. Blackston
Homepage: David T. Blackston's Homepage
Allows the player to define what items should be automatically destroyed by
the game. Known worthless items (like potions of weakness after you found
out what they do) can be destroyed automatically at the time of creation.
Items that require identification before you know if they are good or bad
like weapons and armor can be destroyed automatically as soon as the player
(pseudo-)identifies them.
Door patch
For: Angband 2.9.0
Author: Gordon Lipford
- Spiking a door will no longer automatically make the door more
stuck; it takes more and more spikes to achieve more jamming.
- Door 'power' is MUCH more meaningful; it is now very difficult
to bash/pick a high level door.
- To compensate for the above, randomly placed locked/stuck doors
will be adjusted to the player depth. It's still possible, though
highly unlikely, to get a level 7 lock on dungeon level 1.
- Monster bash/pick formulas have been adjusted to take into account
a variety of factors. Players may also hear monster bash
failures on occasion. Monster intelligence updated to take into
account possible locked AND stuck doors (this is really a no-op
for the time being).
- Player bashing is now based on weight (mostly character weight -
most of your equipment just bangs around when you smack into a door)
speed, and to a lesser extent, strength.
Let's face it folks, halflings are just not good door bashers,
no matter how strong they are.
- Player bashes wake nearby monsters.
Character weight patch
For: Angband 2.9.0
Author: Gordon Lipford
This patch generates much more esthetically pleasing character weights.
Note taking patch
For: Angband 2.9.0, ZAngband 2.3.5
Author: Chris Kern
Allows the user to make notes about the characters progress
(with the ':' command) and save them to a text-file. An option
allows the game to automatically generate notes when the player kills an
unique, finds an artifact, or gains a level.
Identify patch
For: Angband 2.9.0
Author: Ross Morgan-Linial
This patch expands the power of the object flags display (in the character
info screen) and the inspect command. Note: Partially included in 2.9.2.
- Added a new option, cheat_item, to treat all objects as
- Turned on SPOIL_ARTIFACTS and SPOIL_EGO_ITEMS by default.
- Allowed the 'I'nspect command to work on non-*identified* items.
- Immunities display as a green 'I' instead of a '*' in the
flags screen.
- The numeric value of bonuses to abilities such as stealth and
searching are displayed. Negative bonuses are displayed in red.
- Descriptions of item activations look better.
- The inspect command gives the actual effect of each bonus - for
example, "It increases your bow modifier to x5" instead of "It
affects your shooting power".
Big-screen patch
For: Angband 2.9.0
Author: Tom Morton
Allows a bigger display of the dungeon.
Patches for older 2.9.x versions that are included in 2.9.2
Ego-item patch
For: Angband 2.9.0, ZAngband 2.2.8
Author: Matthias Kurzke
This patch allows to change various values of ego-items that were previously
hardcoded into the game and to add completely new ego items without changing
the source code. You can define what object-types can become a specific
ego-item (for example Cloak -> Cloak of Aman). The level/rarity concept
of normal objects is now also applied to ego-items. And random abilities,
high resists, and sustains can be defined for ego-items.
Close game patch
For: Angband 2.9.0, OAngband 0.4.1, ZAngband 2.2.8
Author: Ed Cogburn
Homepage: http://greene.xtn.net/~ecogburn/
I have a patch which effects how the game ends after
character death. Instead of the awkward linear ending, I've done a kind
of menu. On the tombstone screen at the bottom it prints:
(D) Dump char record (C) Show char info (T) Show top scores (ESC) Exit
The first three options do the normal routines as expected, except that
they return back to this tombstone screen with the above option line at
the bottom. The player can now inspect anything he wishes in whatever
order, and multiple times if he wishes. The last option is the only way
to end the game.
Note also I don't use the spacebar or the return key for this menu, so
if the player has "overrun" the character death by hitting too many
Returns or Spacebar keypresses, he won't miss anything that comes after
character death.
Patches for even older versions
Patches for older versions are available at the following pages. These patches might require heavy modification
in order to work with Angband 2.9.x, or they may be already included within.
- Greg's random Angband artifact page
- 'Random artifact generator' for Angband. The random artifacts replace the standard artifacts. For Angband 2.8.3.
- Easy Patch
- Adds a 'repeat last command' command, automatically opens doors/disarms traps by just walking into them and
chooses a direction when only one is available (for opening/closing/disarming). For Angband 2.8.3
- Glenn's Angband page
- Unique levels patch. For Angband 2.8.1
- David's unofficial Angband page
- Patches for version 2.8.0: "Expanded Item Recall", "Player Resistance and
Properties Screen", "Blood of Life potion"
- Item rarity graph patch
- Adds a rarity graph to the wizard play-with-object screen. To the
right of the 'flags3' section there will be a section called 'alloc'
which graphs the rarity of the current type of object across all depths.
Since some objects are extremely rare, it will also label the graph
and change the color accordingly. (created by Eric Bock)
- Unbiased RNG patch
- A modification of the RNG. No longer considered to be more random
than the regular Angband RNG. (created by Eric Bock)
- Run-length-encoding of 'v_info.txt'
- Implements run-length-encoding of 'v_info.txt', and reduces the size
of the v_info.raw file by about half, allowing (potentially) 120K of vaults.
(created by Eric Bock)
- Multiple screen targetting and continuous recentering of the player as an option
- Includes modifications to the Borg that allow it to play with the recentering on.
(created by Eric Bock)