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Multiclass Angband - Multiband |
Current version: 1.1.4 (released: 5th October 2004)
Author: "Wrabhit"
Webpage: http://wrabhit.no-ip.org/multi/multiband.php
Multiband 1.1.4 (5th October 2004) | |||
System / Comments | Compiled by | Size | Date |
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"Wrabhit" | ![]() |
For compilation instructions see my Compile Page. You also may need the graphical tiles (488 kByte) for compiling versions with support for graphics. | |||
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"Wrabhit" | ![]() |
Multiband 1.1.2 (21st March 2004) | |||
System / Comments | Compiled by | Size | Date |
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"pelpel" | 692 kByte | 13th April 2004 |
For Mac OS X and OS 8.6--9.2.2 with CarbonLib. Supports sound effects, 8x8 tiles and 16x16 tiles. | |||
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"pelpel" | 976 kByte | 13th April 2004 |
For System 7.0--9.2.2, 68020+ or PPC. Supports sound effects, 8x8 tiles and 16x16 tiles. | |||
Multiband 1.0.6 (18th October 2002) | |||
System / Comments | Compiled by | Size | Date |
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"Wrabhit" | 528 kByte | 16th October 2002 |
Multiband 1.0.3 (28th June 2002) | |||
System / Comments | Compiled by | Size | Date |
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Bablos | 600 kByte | 24th August 2002 |
-Summary- Yet another variant of Angband. Like we need more. Anyway... Adds classes (Monk, Berserker, Archer, Illusionist (from Kangband), Trickster, Death Priest. Added Yeek, Maia, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, Kobold, Nibelung. New race : Caveman. Added easy mode, nightmare mode, astral, hide all character info mode. Added multiclassing. Can become a new class when all current classses are level 25 or more. XP is divided between all classes usually. -Misc Changes- OPTIONS Removed delay from autoroller Changed default settings of options Rearranged character info screen Hidden birth option autoroller uses stat descriptions rather than values show XP needed for next level like monster health bar show attributes, infravision, spell chances like skills are shown simplify character info screen no self-knowledge allowed show hp and mana/piety like monster health bar, with labels hide spell information do not show how much experience monsters are worth do not show how long rods take to recharge (monster health bar now has a red background) Nightmare mode all monsters have maximum HP and are never generated asleep 10% chance of monsters being generated in a group 1/2 chance of inflating monster level, depth monsters CAN appear out of depth more traps no connected stairs, and sometimes more than one level is descended player aggravates monsters player forgets location constantly doubles final score Easy mode starts with 500 extra gold, lantern, flasks, scrolls of phase door, id, recall and potions of cure serious wounds all wearable equipment will be enchanted, but will be worth only 90% finds better objects, more chance of finding good and excellent objects gets better objects in black market halves final score Astral mode start on level 95 of the dungeon with 75 scrolls of identify cannot use recall or descend below 97 til surface is reached, then recall depth reset to 0 and loses all benefits has speed +10, lite, see invis, telepathy. slow digestion and wiz lite every level can move first when entering a level RACES Added Wood-Elf and Dark-Elf Added Caveman - variation of the human Added Yeek - pathetic at everything but fast learners Added Nibelung and Kobold Added Maiar (from Oangband) Can specify in p_info.txt which missile weapon each race prefers, wood-elfs do extra damage with bows Added info on races in birth.txt CLASSES Changed the name of Priest to Holy Priest Added Illusionist (from kangband) Mental Barrier spell also gives resistance to confusion Shadow Form, Wizard Lock, Invisibility and Summon Shadows spells not implemented Added Archer (pernband, but no special abilities), penalized for using wrong missile weapon, humans can use any missile weapon (racial preference is found in p_info.txt) Added Death Priest (Priest with Death spells) Terror, Invisibility and Wraithform prayers not implements Added Berserker Chance to stun monsters, resist fear, sustain strength at level 30, no Dex bonus to AC, heroism and berserk strength last twice as long (spells and items), recovers from stunning twice as fast If character is hit by a killing blow, excess damage is taken from mana (hidden), hp is set to 0, and character enters a berserk rage for 1d3 rounds. Berserker has half normal mana, uses Str as spell stat Added Monk Can use unarmed combat, uses XP level instead of Str and weapon weight to calculate number of blows, and starts with 2 (when unarmed), damage done and chance of critical hits increase as experience is gained Has difficulty using weapons, only one attack per round without magic, penalty of -10 to hit and damage Slow digestion at level 15 and resist confusion at level 30 Added Trickster (Rogue with Illusion spells) Added info on classes in birth.txt ADDED ITEMS mattock, wooden club, giant club, large hammer, hand axe, knife, great scimitar, leather sandals, spiked leather boots, silk gloves, wizard hat, wooden shield, fur cloak amulets - hold life, brightness, intelligence, resist electricity, regeneration, telepathy, persistence rings - res fear, res conf, res disen, extra attacks (was intelligence), lightning devices - rod of satisfy hunger, rod of force bolt, rod of force ball, staff of dispel undead, staff of detect undead, staff of detect animals scrolls and potions - scroll of protection from undead, potion of telepathy, scroll of dispel evil, scroll of restore piety, potion of cancellation (remove most conditions), scroll of mass identify, potion of amnesia ego-items of magery/holiness/illusion/death, which sustain and increase relevant spellcasting stat, and decrease chance of spell failure magery and illusion : small blades (up to 2d5 dmg), quarterstaff and mage staff holiness and death : any blunt weapon (also penalizes the opposing realm) crown of the Magi : gives a bonus to both magic and illusion spells CHANGES TO ITEMS Skeletons (the items) now appear as 's' instead of '~' Combined rings of sustain ability - now they are Str+Dex, Int+Wis and Con+Chr Amulets and rings of teleport can be activated for phase door, rings of aggravation can be activated for remove fear, and rings of acid/flames/ ice/lightning can be activated for temporary resistance to the relevant element Can now enchant rings/amulets with enchant to-hit, to-dam, to-AC if relevant Rods show how many more turns are left till they can be used again Staff of Holiness also restores piety Scrolls and staffs of darkness no longer blind the player Changed format of melee weapons and missiles from (2d5) (+5, +5) to (+5, 2d5+5) Staff of Cure Light Wounds (1d8) changed to Cure Medium Wounds (2d8) STORES Armoury now sells Soft Studded Leather Temple sells Death books (for Death Priest) Alchemist now sells Scrolls of *Identify* Magic Shop sells Illusion books Quality of items in Black Market depends on recall depth COMBAT Added Quiver slot On player info screen where melee and shooting damage is shown, include damage dice. If weapon is not being wielded, show adjustments only. With a missile launcher but no useable ammo wielded, show multiplier only. (Unlike (all?) other *bands, show only the damage done each attack, not each turn) Increased priest weapon penalties from -2 to -10 SPELLCASTING Ranger no longer gets access to Magic Missile - starts with missiles anyway Study display shows how many more spells can be learned Priest uses Piety, Mage and Illusionist use Mana Gloves and armor affect failure rates of spells rather than mana Split up cumber_armor into cumber_armor_wizard and cumber_armor_priest Armour encumbrance is 300 for magery/illusion and 400 for prayers Cumber_gloves only affects sfail of magery/illusion Silk gloves do not penalize spellcasters Chance to cast spells is decreased if player is stunned, berserking or hallucinating When priests fail to recite prayers, damage WIS instead of CON EFFECTS Added effect of persistence, which means all timed conditions do not time-out, currently used by an amulet and an ego-item for quarterstaffs Feather fall prevents player being thrown around by gravity Added timed effects of stealth, res nether, res disenchantment, sustain body (str/con/dex), telepathy, protection from undead, and protection from animals Added timed effects of aggravation, teleportitus, no teleport, fast digestion and amnesia (occasionally forget where you are). Added timed lite and timed regeneration Added an effects counter - how many times have I used each (magic) effect (idea from angband/64) Added option to display effects list at tombstone Most timed effects are now shown on player flag list on character info screen MISC If below level 50, show XP needed to advance to next level Cumulative lite Multicolored messages Yellow light growing faint and going out Red death, low hitpoint warning Light Blue becoming able to learn more spells, forgetting and remembering Light Red killing monsters Light Green gaining or losing a level, winning --- messages in message memory are still white Monster memory - changed 'it a liferating of x' to 'it takes an average x successful blows to kill with your current weapon' (based on known weapon damage) - colored messages - description is slate, creature type in various colors, innate attacks, breaths and spells in violet, the message above in light red, and 'you feel an intense desire to kill this monster' in yellow -Multiclass related changes- General ------- multi.c added to Makefiles Added info on commands in playing.txt and commands.txt Multiclass help in lib/help/multi.txt, added to help menu Tombstone shows levels attained in all classes, no longer shows experience High score list shows that player was multiclassed, does not show classes yet Info screen rearranged, now shows all classes, as do file dumps No more support for old savefiles (too many changes have been made) Multiclass ---------- Currently player begins with one class Have to gain level 25 in all current classes before another can be added Humans, Yeeks and Maia can have 4 classes, Half-Elves, High-Elves and Dunadan can have 3, everyone else is limited to 2 Cannot multiclass with a non-recommended combination of race and class Not all combinations are allowed - see lib/help/multi.txt Added command 'N' to create a new class, roguelike command is 'O' Added wizard command 'N' to create a new class (with less restrictions - can combine more classes, ignore racial limits and multiclass at level 1 Added commands ']' and '[' to switch forwards and backwards between classes Inform player when they switch a class Player is always informed about level changes in XP gaining/losing messages Experience draining usually affects the class which has the highest level Effects which restore experience affect all classes Wizard command 'x' to gain XP gives specified amount to all classes Wizard command 'e' to adjust stuff asks for XP for each class Experience is divived between all available classes when using unid-d items, killing monsters and drinking potions of XP Monster memory now shows total XP gain, which is split between classes Only the relevant spellcasting classes get XP from casting their spells Rogues and Tricksters are the only ones to gain experience from lockpicking/disarming chests and doors Character --------- Attributes are only affected by class bonuses of the first class chosen HP are calculated using the class which would give the most HP Use class which gets most blows to calculate how many blows the character gets Use class which gets fastest psuedo-id For skills, use best skill (out of all classes) Activations of devices which look at player level look at the highest level Study[] display is now cleared if current class cannot learn spells Mana and Piety regenerate regardless of which class is active BONUSES Archer bonuses are gained regardless of which class is active Gains class intrinstics regardless of which class is active PENALTIES Priest and archer penalties affect player regardless of which class is active
© 2002 by Robert Rühlmann, rr9@thangorodrim.net |
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