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Angband 2.9.2 Bugreports

[Shelob (15 kByte)] If you find a bug then report it to me at rr9@thangorodrim.net. I can't fix the bug if I don't know of it.

You should include the following informations in your bugreports:

  • A description of the bug or problem (it wouldn't be a bug-report without this).
  • The Angband version number, what system you are using and what compiler you used (if you compiled it yourself).
  • A way to reproduce the bug if you can find one. A savefile is often very helpful to track the problem down. It's very difficult to fix a bug that I can't reproduce.
  • A fix for the problem if you know one. :-)

Known bugs in Angband 2.9.2

The current scorefile entry is displayed in the wrong position if the scorefile has reached it's maximum size (100 entries)

Reported by Willem Siemelink

Description: If your score file has 100 entries and you start a new game and then save it immediately then you'll see:

100. 0 Bug the Dwarf Priest, Level 1
Killed by nobody (yet) in the Town
(User 0, date TODAY, Gold 146, Turn 10)

101. 1209 Borg the Dwarf Priest, Level 11
Killed by a Cave spider on Dungeon Level 2 (Max 4)
(User 0, Date 2001-01-03, Gold 215, Turn 1257480).
This is the wrong way around, the saved entry should have position 101 as its value (0) is lower than the value of the entry at 101.

The wrong highscore may be highlighted when running several Angband instances at once

Reported by Willem Siemelink

Description: I found this by running 10 borgs overnight and in the morning they were all dead. But half of them highlighted not the death of the correct character, but some other. It happens because there are multiple copies of Angband running at the same time.

Wielding a heavy melee weapon affects your shooting skills

Reported by David J. Grabiner

Description: When you are wielding too heavy a weapon, you get a penalty to hit. However, this penalty is also applied to shooting, which does not use the heavy weapon.

The monster memory can give spoilers about some magical devices

Reported by Kieron Dunbar

Description: Using unidentified magical devices (like a wand of sleep) on a monster that is immune to the effect updates the monster memory, while the type of the item itself is not made known.

The Windows version crashs when initializing a g_info.txt file with 11 player races

Reported by Jonathan Ellis

Description: This is a strange bug in the Borland compiler that the Windows version of Angband 2.9.2 was compiled with. Compiling with any other Windows compiler leads to working versions, as does removing the line 3572 in init1.c and recompiling with the Borland tool. The relevant line should do *absolutely nothing* (seems like it was introduced by accident), but when it's present then the Borland compiler freaks out and Angband crashes when it finds 11 player races. Not 9, not 10, not 12, only exactly 11 triggers the bug.

Fix (17th February 2001): g_info_init.diff

The random artifacts generated from the same seed by two different Angband binaries can differ

Reported and fixed by Werner Baer

Description: Some code in the random artifact generation code depends on a fixed order of evaluation in a subexpression. The C language standard doesn't guarantee a fixed order.

Fix (17th February 2001): randart.diff

The autoconf detection of the Athena widget set is broken and causes problems when detecting other features

Reported by Greg Wooledge

Description: The Athena autoconf script seems to be broken beyond repair and has been removed for now.

Fix (18th February 2001): autoconf_athena.diff

The spell-info for the mages fire-bolt spell is used for the stone to mud spell

Reported by Joseph Oberlander

Fix (26th February 2001): spell_info.diff

Examining an item in the home displays the item as if it was identified, even if it's not

Reported by Paul Moore

Fix (26th February 2001): home_examine.diff

The hitpoint warning in the DOS version is not displayed in orange color

Reported by Andreas Tophinke

Description: The 'message.prf' file responsible for the message colors is missing from the DOS version. Put the file into the 'lib/pref/' folder to get the warning in the correct color.

Fix (26th February 2001): message.prf

The lesser vault "Planet X" was labeled as greater vault

Reported by Prfnoff

Fix (17th March 2001): lesser_vault.diff

If a custom player race has both an elemental immunity and resistance then only the resistance is shown in the character display grid.

Reported by Prfnoff

Fix (17th March 2001): immunity_display.diff

The message for the "bless" spell effect contains a typo.

Reported by Prfnoff

Fix (17th March 2001): righteous_typo.diff

"Out of depth" ego-item types don't show up in vaults.

Reported by Eytan Zweig

Fix (17th March 2001): ego_level.diff

Used staircases are not always marked as known when the connected_stairs option is turned on.

Reported by Matthias Kurzke

Fix (17th March 2001): mark_stairs.diff

The error checking when parsing a_info.txt, e_info.txt, r_info.txt, and p_info.txt doesn't warn about duplicated entries.

Reported and fixed by John I'anson-Holton

Fix (25th March 2001): info_error_checking.diff

One type of cross shaped rooms could never be generated.

Reported and fixed by Leon Marrick

Fix (25th March 2001): cross_shaped_room.diff

You can't create junk items in wizard mode.

Reported and fixed by John I'anson-Holton

Fix (28th March 2001): wizard_junk.diff

The cheat_know option marks monsters as known even after it's turned off.

Reported by Eytan Zweig

Description: All monsters examined while the cheat_know option is turned on will stay fully known even after the option is turned off again.

Fix (29th March 2001): cheat_know.diff

The easy_open option counts doors under the player when determining which door to close.

Reported by "Graaagh"

Fix (29th March 2001): easy_open.diff

Pref files for player races are not loaded automatically.

Reported and fixed by John I'anson-Holton

Fix (5th April 2001): race_prefs.diff

The Windows version doesn't exit correctly when starting with a savefile from the command-line.

Reported by Willem Siemelink

Description: I run Angband 2.9.2 under Windows. I have a command prompt and I type 'angband lib\save\player' The program then starts with my current character and I don't have to bother with open the file from within the program with alt-file-open. If I quit with Alt-file-exit the progam stops normally. If I quit with ctrl-x the character is saved. I press return for the scores and then a couple of escapes to exit. But the program doesn't stop. At the bottom I get a line saying [Choose 'New' or 'Open' from the 'File' menu].

Fix (5th April 2001): windows_exit.diff

The experience gained from killing monsters can be incorrect after tweaking the maximum experience in wizard mode.

Reported by John I'anson-Holton


  1. Create a new character and use debugging mode to set its cur xp and max xp to 10 million (actually any big number will do).
  2. Then set its cur xp and max xp back to something like 10. The character's level will be shown in yellow as being below the max, even though the new max hp has been set.
  3. A side effect of this is that the player will now be granted xp for kills based on the 10 million xp (ie. at level 50) and not at the new, lower level.
This means that although you can lower your character's max xp, the character's level is being reset for display but not for xp calculations.

The Windows version produces a error when compiling with USE_GRAPHICS turned off.

Reported by Robert Rühlmann

Fix (8th April 2001): windows_no_graphics.diff

The random selection of sound samples in the Windows and DOS version gets non-random after a while.

Reported by "Koka"

Fix (8th April 2001): random_sound.diff

The message when dropping a known artifact looks weird.

Reported by Leon Marrick

Description: "You have no more Golden Crowns of Gondor" looks weird. "You no longer have the Golden Crown of Gondor" would be better.

Fix (17th April 2001): drop_artifact.diff

The inventory window is not updated when the player finds out that a wand or staff has no charges left.

Reported and fixed by Eytan Zweig

Fix (28th April 2001): empty_device.diff

Attacks that don't do any damage can sometimes scare wounded monsters.

Reported by "Graaagh" and Leon Marrick

Fix (28th April 2001): monster_fear.diff

Monsters at 1% of max hps get frightened less often than monsters with 10% hps left.

Reported and fixed by Leon Marrick

Fix (29th April 2001): monster_fear2.diff

The item flag descriptions when tweaking items in wizard mode are not correct.

Reported and fixed by John I'anson-Holton

Fix (29th April 2001): wizard_flags.diff

The exit code in case of failures isn't standard.

Reported and fixed by Chris Kern

Fix (17th May 2001): exit_failure.diff

Many calls to get_string() and askfor_aux() use an incorrect length argument.

Reported by Tim Baker

Description: The 'len' argument of the get_string() and askfor_aux() functions spezified the maximum length of the input, not the buffer size. Many calls to these functions use an incorrect length since the buffer size is what a programmer usually expects. Fortunately this doesn't cause any problems (yet). The bugfixed versions of the functions uses 'len' as the buffer size. The maximum length of the input is calculated as 'len-1'.

Fix (17th May 2001): buffer_len.diff

The error message for parsing errors in the *_info.txt files is wrong.

Reported by Matthias Kurzke

Description: When there is an error in one of the *_info.txt files, the error message printed to the console is wrong. It says "Error in 'Error in''' file".

Fix (22nd May 2001): parse_error.diff

Compile problems on *BSD

Reported by Kazuo Ito


Fix (27th June 2001): bsd_curses.diff

Potions of Life don't heal fully if the player's constitution was drained.

Reported by Dennis van Es

Fix (4th July 2001): potion_of_life.diff

The *.prf file loading code ignores invalid color codes for message-types.

Reported and fixed by Eytan Zweig

Fix (4th July 2001): message_color.diff

See also the known bugs in Angband 2.9.1

© 2001 by Robert Rühlmann, rr9@thangorodrim.net [News] [To the Help Page]